Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vocabulary Words #5 (Honors Option)

disport- to divert or amuse (oneself).

transmogrify- to change in appearance or form, esp. strangely or grotesquely; transform.

oneiric- of or pertaining to dreams.

pelf- money or wealth, esp. when regarded with contempt or acquired by reprehensible means.

bloviate- To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner

neologism- the introduction or use of new words or new senses of existing words.

dishabille- the state of being dressed in a careless, disheveled, or disorderly style or manner; undress.

ne plus ultra- the most intense degree of a quality or state.

trammel- a hindrance or impediment to free action; restraint

gubernatorial- of or pertaining to a state governor or the office of state governor

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